Reparing cracks on industrial floors

Reparing cracks on industrial floors

The concrete of industrial floors very often sees the formation of cracks along the whole thickness of the screed. These cracks are usually called “natural or subsidence joints”. They are usually due to subsidences, hollows or cavities in the floor foundation, uneven or exceptional loads, lack of bracing or insufficient expansion joints.

Reinforcement and fixing of cracks is therefore essential to preserve the floor functionality, avoid damages to work and especially prevent cracks from spreading and widening.

Restoration starts with a careful assessment of the causes and their elimination. Only later it is possible to proceed to “join” the cracks with localized injections of RESISYSTEM 310 or 312: this operation may be carried out together with a bracing. In this case we talk about “reinforced stitching”.

Products to repair cracks in industrial floors:

Consumption: Seeing as we cannot see inside the crack, we cannot assess possible cavities or other cracks which spread from the crack. Therefore consumption cannot be estimated. Please refer to the specific gravity which for REPIKIT 310 and RESISYSTEM 310 is of 1.05 kg/dm3, whereas for REPIKIT 312 and RESISYSTEM 312 it is of 1.2 kg/dm3.