Dehumidifying plaster

Dehumidifying plaster

A lightened plaster based on hydraulic binding agents with low soluble salt contents. Thanks to it macro-porous structure it greatly increases the evaporation speed of water because it increases the specific surface of the wall. It acts like a pump which sucks water from the walls and it eliminates it by evaporation in the atmosphere. 

Intonaco deumidificante img_intonaco_deumidificante1_166.jpg (Art. corrente, Pag. 1, Foto ingrandimento)
How to apply:

Intonaco deumidificante img_intonaco_deumidificante2_166.jpg (Art. corrente, Pag. 1, Foto normale)

1. Deplaster the wall at least 1 meter higher than the maximum capillary rise and get rid of crumbly parts (sandblasting). In case of mixed masonry, apply a raw floated levelling off scratch coat with cement mortar and AERMIDE, an additive which acts as anti-salt agent, especially for well soluble salts like nitrates and nitrites present for example in barns. 

To prepare the levelling off scratch coat you need:
- 2 bags of RESIFLOW, a binding agent with low soluble salt contents
- 100 Kg of construction sand
- One liter of AERMIDE
- Water to make mortar fluid
Then apply RESISEAL salt barrier.

 Intonaco deumidificante img_intonaco_deumidificante3_166.jpg (Art. corrente, Pag. 1, Foto normale) 2. In case of walls with a regular surface like a brick wall, apply RESISEAL directly on the salt barrier. If you notice any really soluble salts like nitrates, first apply a splatter with mortar and then AERMIDE, prepared as per previous instructions. 
 Intonaco deumidificante img_intonaco_deumidificante4_166.jpg (Art. corrente, Pag. 1, Foto normale) 3. Apply RESIMIDE dehumidifying macro-porous plaster. It must be prepared in a cement mixer by adding water in the following ratio: 

RESIMIDE + WATER = 100 + 30
Average thickness must be of 2 cm and estimated average consumption is of 28-30 kg/m2.

 Intonaco deumidificante img_intonaco_deumidificante5_166.jpg (Art. corrente, Pag. 1, Foto normale) 4. Apply a plaster finish with thin surface smoothing. The product, which should preferably be lime-based, must preserve the transpiration capacity of RESIMIDE.


Products for dehumidifying plasters:

Intonaco deumidificante img_intonaco_deumidificante6_166.jpg (Art. corrente, Pag. 1, Foto normale)